How To Use Aquaponics To Grow Plants

Are you contemplating using aquaponics to grow plants? You may be right. The world is turning increasingly conscious of the environmental impacts of our actions. One way to do this responsibly while still consuming food is through Aquaponics, which uses fish and no fertilizers to grow plants.

Aquaponics uses fish waste as fertilizer for the plants, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals and pesticides often used in traditional gardening. However, if you’re ready to take on this low-maintenance, eco-friendly hobby, you need to know a few things about it.  


Things You Require Before You Add Plants To The Aquaponics System

Growing aquaponics plants and maintaining their health is easy if you know a few prerequisites. 


The plants will need sunlight for photosynthesis to convert light and water into energy. The latter is required for growth just like all living creatures on Earth that require solar power to survive—including humans.

Artificial lighting is an easy way to supplement your indoor plant’s natural light needs. You’ll need artificial lights that emit both ends of the spectrum so you can provide a well-balanced environment for plants. However, be careful when selecting this setting as it will affect their health and growth rates more than other types.


The water is much more than just a medium in aquaponics to grow plants. It’s the lifeline that moves fish waste and recirculates nutrients. Good quality, nutrient-rich water provides perfect conditions where bacteria thrive on turning nitrates into beneficial plant food while keeping your tank safe for those delicate creatures. The water quality in aquaponics is also essential for the growth of healthy plants. Remember, plants are more affected by water temperature than by air temperature.

pH Level

Water is not just about the moisture levels. The pH level in your aquaponics system affects how well plants absorb nutrients and if they can adequately process their food from photosynthesis. This means you also need to pay attention to what kind of water source has been provided for them. Generally speaking, there are four categories: acidic (below 7), basic (7-14), alkaline/neutral (15+). All these determine whether or not a nutrient will be taken up by roots readily enough.

If the pH is too low and therefore acidic, most nutrients are dissolved into plant food easily. This can lead to a build-up of compounds not necessary for aquaponics to grow plants; it may pollute their systems over time. Too high of a pH can cause deficiencies in your plant’s ability to absorb the right minerals.


When you think of the perfect home for a garden, it’s hard to imagine one without ample warm air. But vegetables don’t grow well in every climate or location—some need far more heat than others. The ideal range between 64-86 °F (18–30 °C) allows your plants plenty of room temperature so they can thrive while also allowing enough cold nights with an absolute minimum at 32° F (-0 Celsius).

Cool-season vegetables, such as lettuce and cucumbers, grow better in temperatures ranging from 8-20 degrees Celsius. Warmer weather veggies like okra need to be at 63–86 Fahrenheit (17-30 degrees centigrade). Season and environment will affect the water in your aquaponics system. Some plants are better at absorbing nutrients than others, so it’s essential to make sure you’re growing them according to their season.


Roots need oxygen for aerobic respiration, the process that releases energy and nutrients to thrive. If plants don’t get enough of it, they’ll wilt under warmer climates or high levels of lights in a container garden. The system must provide plenty of oxygen for aquaponics to grow plants properly. Without enough, their roots will not absorb the nutrients and minerals that they need for healthy growth. The recommended concentration ranges from 4-12 mg/L.

Media Bed

The media bed is where you’ll grow your plant. This can either be a large, heavy-duty plastic tray or wooden pallet crate, and it needs to have its stand so that the weight doesn’t buckle out the foundation of this structure.

In order to create the perfect home aquaponics to grow plants—fruits, vegetables, or herbs in a hydroponic environment, you must first decide on your media. For instance, clay pebbles are pH neutral, so they won’t affect water quality and hold moisture well, making them one of the most sought-after types used by growers worldwide.

And most importantly, for aquaponics to grow plants, fish livestock is important.


In an aquaponics system, fish are raised in a fish tank. They produce excreta which can turn toxic for the livestock if not removed. The circulating mechanism of the system moves the waste from the fish tank to the plants. When the water from a fish tank flows through an elaborate hydroponics tray, it combines with all kinds of garbage to become rich fertilizer for plants. As green leaves and roots absorb this organic material—it can be purified again before being recycled. All the plants are fed a natural diet without pesticides or chemical fertilizers to grow up safely.

Some of the best fish for aquaponics are Tilapia, Koi, Trout, Catfish and Goldfish.

Tilapia Aquaponics

Now, how to use aquaponics systems to help grow plants?

Different Types of Aquaponics and Plant Growth

There are several types of aquaponics to grow plants, and each helps plants grow differently.

Deep Water Culture Set Up

A deep water culture system is a type of aquaponic growing that uses floating foam rafts. It is mostly used in commercial setups. The roots of the plants drop into a channel filled with water. The roots of plants growing on top can extract nutrients directly from these channels that run deep below ground level without any need for pesticides or fertilizers.

Nutrient Film Set Up

In this method, a narrow tube with holes drilled into the top is used to draw water from your fish tank. The roots are then dangled through these openings, where they can absorb all the nutrient-rich goodness.

Media Bed Set Up

In this system, aquaponics plants grow in a media that sits on top and next to the fish tank. The water from both tanks comes together where it passes through each piece before being returned into either freshwater or saltwater.

You may pick any of the aquaponics to grow plants, but how to decide what plants to add. Let us help you with it.

Best Plants to Grow with Aquaponics

You can utilize aquaponics to grow plants of a varied variety. The system can help you develop fresh and healthy produce from herbs to flowers and from fruits to vegetables right in your backyard.

In a small aquaponics system, you can grow the following:


One of the best aquaponics plants for both indoor and outdoor use is Lettuce. While it has some requirements, lettuce does not pose significant challenges to the grower when grown correctly, with little maintenance required after planting time. The only thing you need is light (for photosynthesis), a water, air exchange system in place, which means your plants will be getting plenty of fresh oxygenated soil throughout their life cycle.

Aquaponics Grow Lettuce


Basil is an excellent plant for use in aquaponics. It requires minimal nutrients and can tolerate high heat or moisture, making it great to grow alongside other plants that need more caretaking attention from their ecosystem’s needs. If you harvest your basil too often, its life span will be cut short. So instead of gathering flowers every week as they form, keep a watch until all green leaves have touched before cutting back again (which should happen sparingly).

In a large aquaponics system, you can grow the following:


Aquaponic tomatoes are a high nutrient plant that can handle warmer temperatures up to 85 F and grow wonderfully in water. They’re best reserved for larger systems with more time to establish themselves, but like traditional gardens, they may need some support structures if grown on their own—6 feet tall is not unusual. The best options for aquaponics to grow plants would be fish who prefer the warmth of an aquaculture system over natural environments such as tilapia or koi (though goldfish will also thrive).


Cucumbers love to grow in an area with plenty of sunlight and humidity. Keep a close eye on their complex roots, as they can clog up the pipes within your aquaponic system if not careful. When you’re growing them indoors (or outdoors), make sure that there is enough space for cucumber plants—11″ but apart would be best between 23″. But don’t worry—these veggies are great at sharing nutrients.


Cauliflower is regarded as one of the best aquaponic veggies for beginners. It is drought-friendly, pest-resistant, and requires little maintenance, making it perfect as an addition or replacement in your garden. However, if you’re growing outside, make sure that there’s no direct sunlight exposure or frost because these will quickly damage this hardy plant’s leaves with no flowers coming out either way. Just like most other greenhouse plants, cauliflowers do well when grown inside.


Aquaponics is a type of hydroponics system that combines water and organic waste to produce plants. Both aquaculture (raising aquatic animals) and hydroponics (growing plants in nutrient-enriched water) are used by commercial farms. But combining them into one system offers many benefits over growing just crops. The goal of an aquaponic farm is to provide food with little environmental impact while also producing healthy vegetables free from pesticides. This article has all the vital data you may need to know about how you can use aquaponics to grow plants so that you can start your backyard garden.

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Hello! We are the Johnsons and the faces of The Aquaponics Guide. We have been avid gardeners for many years and growing our own food is one of our key priorities. We have found sustainable Aquaponics farming to be a life changer, which is the reason we have created The Aquaponics Guide. 

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