Can Aquaponics Be Organic?
Can Aquaponics Be Organic? Organic Aquaponics: Is it Possible? Organic Aquaponics is a process of raising fish and plants together in a mutually beneficial environment. Aquaponic systems use bacteria to break down organic matter into nitrates, which are used by the plants as nutrients and then become available for the fish through their roots. There […]
Why Are Aquaponics Systems Important For The Environment?
Why Are Aquaponics Systems Important For The Environment? Aquaponics systems provide many environmental benefits. They can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, preserve water usage and curb the use of pesticides. But there’s more to it than just those perks. Let us tell you some other reasons why aquaponics gardening is essential for our environment and […]
Can An Aquaponics Garden Be Grown Outside?
Can An Aquaponics Garden Be Grown Outside? Over the past year, aquaponics has increased its popularity as more people are interested in new ways to raise crops. However, most aquaponic farming is done indoors because the fish involved can be susceptible to temperature changes. This is why many are wondering; can an aquaponic garden be […]
Which Aquaponics System Is The Best?
Which Aquaponics System Is The Best? The aquaponics system is an easy way to have fresh vegetables all year round with minimal effort. Some of the most popular systems are rafts, grow beds, deep water culture (DWC), media beds, and NFT (Nutrient Film Technique). We will discuss which aquaponics system is the best for you […]
Why Use Aquaponics?
Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines raising fish and plants together in one integrated system