Your Guide On The 5 Best Aquaponics Herbs To Grow

Growing aquaponics herbs are increasingly becoming popular. This is mainly due to their potential fast growth and high yields. The demand for aquaponics herbs is largely driven by the fact that people have become more aware of how their food consumption choices affect their health and lifestyle.

In this guide, we explore five of the best aquaponics herbs to grow right now and their requirements for optimal growth, to ensure your yield is nothing short of what it should be. We also share what in our view are the best tips for growing herbs for aquaponics.

Can You Grow Herbs In Aquaponics?

Yes, you can grow herbs in aquaponics. The only limitation is growing conditions. For example, sun-loving herbs cannot thrive in a place with low sunlight exposure. The same applies to other conditions such as temperature. Some of the best herbs for aquaponics include basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and watercress.

aquaponics basil


Basil is one of the most popular and high-value aquaponics herbs used in cooking. It thrives in aquaponics systems because of the excellent growing conditions created by sunlight and warm water. The best basil types to grow in aquaponics include Thai basil, lemon basil, purple basil, and sweet basil.

Basil has a wide range of antioxidants and macronutrients such as vitamin k and calcium. It adds flavor to dishes, and its nutrients offer health benefits in the diet as an essential oil and herbal medicine. Basil is also useful for treating inflammation within nasal passages, snakebites, and colds.

For the best result in growing basil as aquaponics herbs, follow the steps below: 

  • Maintain a pH level of between 5.5 and 6.5.
  • Keep the temperatures between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Place them somewhere where they can get six to eight hours of sunlight daily.
  • When harvesting, maintain two-thirds of the plant so that it continues growing. 
  • Space the herbs 10 to 12 inches apart to prevent competition for nutrients and gain higher yields.


Oregano is a staple in many households and cooking establishments around the world. It is one of those aquaponics herbs that doesn’t require much effort to grow. It has a robust and unique flavor and can be used dried, fresh, or as an oil. 

While it is to be used sparingly, it is still packed with essential nutrients that can reduce inflammation and viral infections. It features compounds with potent antibacterial properties and has plenty of antioxidants to combat harmful free radicals in the human body. 

For the best result in growing oregano as aquaponics herbs, follow the steps below: 

  • Keep the pH level between 6.0 and 8.0.
  • Ensure they get direct exposure to sunlight for most of the day.
  • Plant them eight to 10 inches from each other to allow for enough spreading space


This herb is native to Europe and the Mediterranean. One of the reasons to grow parsley in aquaponics is that it allows you to capitalize on the herb’s high demand and market value. The best types of parsley for aquaponics are the Italian or flat-leaved parsley and the curly-leaved parsley. 

Due to its potential health benefits and nutritional value, it is very potent in disease-fighting. It contains antioxidants, cancer-fighting substances, and several essential nutrients that protect the eyes and support bone health, such as potassium, folate, vitamin K, Vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, fat, protein, carbs, and calories.

For the best result in growing oregano as aquaponics herbs, follow the steps below: 

  • Keep the pH level between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Maintain a temperature of between 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Ensure that your parsley gets five hours of sunlight exposure every day.
  • Keep the plants six to 12 inches apart to prevent competition for nutrients.


Rosemary is one of the best herbs for aquaponics. It’s a perennial herb that remains green throughout the year and doesn’t shed during winter. It’s a rich source of anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants that can improve blood circulation and boost the immune system. Rosemary also boosts memory, supports brain health, lowers blood sugar, and repels pests.

For the best result in growing oregano as aquaponics herbs, follow the steps below: 

  • Maintain a pH level of between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Keep the temperature at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Place them somewhere where they can get six to eight hours of sunlight daily.
  • Space them 24 to 36 inches apart to boost yields and avoid competition for nutrients.
aquaponics oregano


Watercress is one of the easiest and healthiest herbs for aquaponics. It is an ancient herb in the same family as brussels sprouts, arugula, broccoli, and kale. Watercress carries essential nutrients such as vitamin k and antioxidants that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, boost bone and heart health, and prevent some types of cancer.

For the best result in growing watercress as aquaponics herbs, follow the steps below: 

  • Maintain a pH level of between 6.6 and 7.5.
  • Keep the temperature between 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Space them about nine to 12 inches apart to avoid competition for nutrients.

Tips For Growing Herbs In Aquaponics

  • Give your plants enough space to grow so they get a high yield and do not compete for nutrients.
  • Handle your herbs’ roots gently to prevent damage during planting or replanting.
  • Give your aquaponics herbs the same attention you would with traditional gardening.
  • Monitor and maintain the right water pH level and quality for your aquaponics herbs.
  • Maintain the right temperature according to your herb’s requirements.


Growing herbs in aquaponics is an excellent alternative to using traditional herb growing. With the right conditions, you can grow almost all types of herbs in aquaponics. To get the most out of your aquaponics herbs, we recommend following the instructions above as closely as possible.

aquaponics parsley
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Hello! We are the Johnsons and the faces of The Aquaponics Guide. We have been avid gardeners for many years and growing our own food is one of our key priorities. We have found sustainable Aquaponics farming to be a life changer, which is the reason we have created The Aquaponics Guide. 

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